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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - end


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка end на русский

1) конец 2) пределblunt ends – cohesive ends – dead end – overhang ends – point end – stem end – sticky ends
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  крайний В американском футболе football игрок с левой или правой стороны, игрок за линией схватки вокруг мяча scrimmage ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. конец, окончание happy end —- счастливый конец; счастливая развязка to put an end to smth. —- положить конец чему-либо, покончить с чем-либо to put an end to an argument —- положить конец спору to bring to an end —- закончить, завершить to make an of smth. —- закончить что-либо; положить конец чему-либо to come to an end, to be at an end —- прийти к концу, кончиться I've come to the end of my endurance —- мое терпение истощилось we'll see no end of in, there is no end to it —- этому конца не будет to follow smth. to its logical end —- довести что-либо до логического конца in the end —- в конце концов, в конечном счете to the end of time —- возв. вечно, на веки веков this will remain a secret to the end of time —- это навеки останется тайной the end crowns the deed —- конец венчает дело 2. конец, последняя, заключительная часть; завершение the end of the year —- конец года the end of a sentence —- последняя часть предложения a story without an end —- рассказ, который ничем не кончается toward the end of 1914 —- к концу 1914 г. by the end of the third quarter —- к концу третьего квартала at the end of the 16th century —- в конце XVI столетия 3. смерть, кончина, конец untimely end —- безвременная кончина to be near one's end —- быть при смерти to come to a tragic end —- трагически погибнуть to be the end (of) —- довести до гибели, прикончить this cough will be the end of me —- этот кашель меня доконает...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) конец; окончание; предел end on - концом вперед to put an end to smth., to make an end of smth. - положить конец чему-л., уничтожить что-л. in the end - в заключение; в конечном счете they won the battle in the end - в конечном счете они добились победы at the end of - в конце чего-л. at the end of the story - в конце рассказа at the end of the month - в конце месяца  2) конец, смерть he is near(ing) his end - он умирает  3) остаток, обломок; обрезок; отрывок  4) край; граница ends of the earth - край земли; глухомань - worlds end  5) цель to that end - с этой целью to gain ones ends - достичь цели - ends and means  6) результат, следствие it is difficult to foresee the end - трудно предвидеть результат - happy end  7) sl. зад  8) днище  9) amer. аспект, сторона the political end of smth. - политический аспект чего-л.  10) amer. часть, отдел the retail end of a business - отдел розничной торговли  11) pl.; constr. эндсы, дилены to be on the end of a line - попасться на удочку to make both/two ends meet - сводить концы с концами no end coll. - безмерно; в высшей степени no end obliged to you - чрезвычайно вам признателен no end of coll. -  а) много, масса; no end of trouble масса хлопот, неприятностей;  б) прекрасный, исключительный; he is no end of a fellow он чудесный малый; we had no end of a time мы прекрасно провели время on end -  а) стоймя; дыбом;  б) беспрерывно, подряд; for two years on end два...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) конец, окончание, результат, следствие 2) аспект, сторона 3) цель, намерение • - at the end of year - at the end of - come to an end - end item - end month account - end next account - end of month - end of period - end on - end product - end user - low end Syn: Account Day, the Settlement 2. гл. кончать(ся), заканчивать(ся) END – open ended ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) конец, окончание кончать(ся) 2) дно; днище 3) концевик концевой 4) крайний, оконечный 5) торец; стык торцевой; стыковой 6) цель 7) результат, итог from the end — с конца; сзади to this end — с этой целью to lay on end — класть на торец - beam end - cable end - coil end - coke end - delivery end of conveyer - discharge end - downstream end of lock - face-on end - female end - fork end - high end - high-pressure end - logarithmic end - nozzle end - periodic end - pinned end - piston-rod end - prime end - pushed end - rafter end - rear end - runway end - tang end - tenon end - trail end of train - uneven end - upstream end of lock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) окончание, край 2) конец 3) завершение – end of block – dead end – far end – front end – near end – shorted end ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  конец; наконечник торец; головка днище (резервуара) заканчивать(ся), оканчивать(ся), завершать конечный, крайний, концевой end fixed against longitudinal movement end fixed against transverse movement end of curve end of runway abutting end anchored end ball end beam end beam ends out of square bell end boiler end butt end cable end dapped end of beam dead end dished end fixed end free end gable end hinged end hipped end jacking end live end loose end median end muzzle end of the tool patent end of tube element pin end pointed end running end shunk end stop end switch end of a turnout tail end zero end of survey ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) конец, окончание, завершение кончать(ся); заканчивать(ся); завершать(ся) концевой, конечный 2) край, оконечность; концевая часть; наконечник 3) торец, торцевая поверхность; торцевая стенка 4) крышка; дно; днище (ёмкости) устанавливать крышку или дно; мн. ч. концы (донышко и крышка жестяной консервной банки) 5) головка (напр. шатуна) 6) разрушение; гибель 7) ребро; лезвие (инструмента) 8) горн. забой (подготовительный) 9) остаток; крайняя фракция (начальная или конечная) 10) мн. ч. основные нити, основа (ткани) 11) мн. ч. лесн. дилены, эндсы 12) матем. предел end -to- end — встык; впритык end of brick — тычок end of core life — конец кампании активной зоны (ядерного реактора) end of dislocation — выход дислокаций (на поверхность) end of lock — голова судоходного шлюза end of message — конец сообщения end of segment — конец отрезка abnormal end of task — вчт. аварийное прекращение (выполнения) задания - abutting ends - air end - approach end - back end - back end of fuel cycle - ball end - ballpoint lever end - basic end - batten ends - battered rail end - beet end - belly end - bent ends - big end - bitter end - blind end - blunt end - boot end - bottom end - box end - box pipe end - built-in end - business end - butt end - butted fiber end - cap end - capped end - cast-steel underframe end - charge end - cleared end - cold end - commutator end - conditioning end - connecting rod end - control cable end - corrugated steel end - coupler shank...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  suffix forming nouns in the sense 'person or thing to be treated in a specified way' (dividend; reverend). Etymology: L gerundive ending -endus END n. & v. --n. 1 a the extreme limit; the point beyond which a thing does not continue. b an extremity of a line, or of the greatest dimension of an object. c the furthest point (to the ends of the earth). 2 the surface bounding a thing at either extremity; an extreme part (a strip of wood with a nail in one end). 3 a conclusion, finish (no end to his misery). b the latter or final part. c death, destruction, downfall (met an untimely end). d result, outcome. e an ultimate state or condition. 4 a a thing one seeks to attain; a purpose (will do anything to achieve his ends; to what end?). b the object for which a thing exists. 5 a remnant; a piece left over (cigarette-end). 6 (prec. by the) colloq. the limit of endurability. 7 the half of a sports pitch or court occupied by one team or player. 8 the part or share with which a person is concerned (no problem at my end). 9 Bowls a unit of play in which play is from one side of the green towards the other. 10 US Football a player at the extremity of a line or team. --v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come to an end. 2 tr. put an end to; destroy. 3 intr. (foll. by in) have as its result (will end in tears). 4 intr. (foll. by by) do or achieve eventually (ended by marrying an heiress). Phrases and idioms all ends up completely. at an end exhausted or completed. at the end of one's tether see TETHER. come to a bad (or sticky) end meet with ruin or disgrace. come to an end 1 be completed or finished. 2 become exhausted. end-around n. US Football an offensive play in which an end carries the ball round the opposite end. --adj. Computing involving the transfer of a digit from one end of a register to the other. end-game the final stage of a game (esp. chess), when few pieces remain. end it all (or end it) colloq. commit suicide. end of the road the point at which a hope or endeavour has to be abandoned. end of the world the cessation of mortal life....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English; akin to Old High German enti ~, Latin ante before, Greek anti against  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the part of an area that lies at the boundary  b.  (1) a point that marks the extent of something  (2) the point where something ceases to exist world without ~  c. the extreme or last part lengthwise ; tip  d. the terminal unit of something spatial that is marked off by units  e. a player stationed at the extremity of a line (as in football)  2.  a. cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or activity  b. death, destruction  c.  (1) the ultimate state  (2) result, issue  3. something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersized ; remnant  4.  a. an outcome worked toward ; purpose the ~ of poetry is to be poetry — R. P. Warren  b. the object by virtue of or for the sake of which an event takes place  5.  a. a share in an undertaking kept your ~ up  b. a particular operation or aspect of an undertaking or organization the sales ~ of the business  6. something that is extreme ; ultimate — used with the  7. a period of action or turn in any of various sports events (as archery or lawn bowling)  Synonyms: see intention  • ~ed adjective  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to bring to an ~  b. destroy  2. to make up the ~ of a wedding scene ~s the film  intransitive verb  1.  a. to come to an ~ the meeting will ~ at noon  b. to reach a specified ultimate rank, situation, or place — usually used with up ~ed up as a colonel  2. die  Synonyms: see close  III. adjective  Date: 13th century final, ultimate ~ results ~ markets  IV. transitive verb  Etymology: probably alteration of English dialect in to harvest  Date: 1607 dialect England to put (grain or hay) into a barn or stack ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ends, ending, ended) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The end of something such as a period of time, an event, a book, or a film is the last part of it or the final point in it. The ?5 banknote was first issued at the end of the 18th century... The report is expected by the end of the year... You will have the chance to ask questions at the end. N-SING: the N, usu prep N, N of n 2. When a situation, process, or activity ends, or when something or someone ends it, it reaches its final point and stops. The meeting quickly ended and Steve and I left the room... Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting... VERB: V, V n • ending The ending of a marriage by death is different in many ways from an ending occasioned by divorce. N-SING: usu the N of n 3. An end to something or the end of it is the act or result of stopping it so that it does not continue any longer. The French government today called for an end to the violence... I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end... Francis fined him two weeks’ wages and said: ‘That’s the end of the matter.’ N-COUNT: usu sing, oft N to/of n 4. If you say that someone or something ends a period of time in a particular way, you are indicating what the final situation was like. You can also say that a period of time ends in a particular way. The markets ended the week on a quiet note... The evening ended with a dramatic display of fireworks. VERB: V n prep/adv, V prep, also V n by -ing, V n -ing 5. If a period of time ends, it reaches its final point. Its monthly reports on program trading usually come out about three weeks after each month ends... The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27. VERB: V, V 6. If something such as a book, speech, or performance ends with a particular thing or the writer or performer ends it with that thing, its final part consists of the thing mentioned. His statement ended with the words: ‘Pray for me.’... The book ends on a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LAST PART« the last part of something such as a period of time, activity, book, or film  (He's leaving at the end of October. | I found the end of the movie very disappointing. | from beginning to end)  (Her story was a pack of lies from beginning to end.) 2 »FURTHEST POINT« the furthest point of a place or object  (He sat at one end of the table and I sat at the other. | The street is closed off at both ends. | a long pole with a hole at one end | end to end (=in a line with the ends touching))  (Put the two tables end to end.) 3 »FINISHED« a situation in which something is finished or no longer exists  (the end of all my dreams | be at an end (=finished))  (The long hot summer was at last at an end. | come to an end (=finished and no longer continuing))  (That job came to an end last month. | put an end to)  (Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems. | to the end of time literary (=for ever)) 4 »AIM« usually plural the result that you hope to achieve  (She'll stop at nothing to achieve her own ends. | to that end formal)  (Joel wants to buy a car and is saving money to that end. | an end in itself (=something you aim to do because you want to, not in order to get other advantages))  (Learning to play the piano was an end in itself for me. | the end justifies the means (=the result you want makes acceptable the bad things you do in order to get it)) 5 in the end after a period of time; finally  (In the end, I decided that I wouldn't go after all.)  (- see lastly) 6 days/hours/weeks etc on end for many days, hours etc without stopping  (It snowed for days on end.) 7 no end spoken very much  (Thanks for the letter - it cheered me up no end.) 8 no end of spoken a lot of something  (We've had no end of problems with the house since we moved.) 9 put/stand sth on end to put something in a position so that its longest edge is upright  (- see also make sb's hair stand on end hair (6)) 10 »PART OF AN ACTIVITY« informal the particular part of a job, activity, place etc that you are...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Exotic Newcastle Disease file ext. abbr. Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw) music abbr. Epidemik Never Dies ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. ende, from P.Gmc. *andja, from PIE *antjo "and, boundary." Original sense of "outermost part" is obsolete except in phrase ends of the earth. Sense of "destruction, death" was in O.E. The verb is from O.E. endian. The phrase end run is 1950s, from U.S. football. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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